Summer of Scrubbies - Scrubby knit patterns

Summer of Scrubbies 2025 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

How much does it cost?

FREE! All patterns will be posted on my website, and links sent to all KAL groups the day the pattern is released. Additionally, when you sign up for the Summer of Scrubbies 2025, your email is in my database so that I can email you details as they become available – including when the patterns are available online.

You may choose to upgrade your Summer of Scrubbies 2025 experience and receive each PDF pattern emailed or sent to your Ravelry library on the day it is available. The cost for this will be $10.

How many scrubby patterns will there be?

There will be at least eight (8) scrubby patterns as part of the Summer of Scrubby 2025 knit-a-long.

Do all the scrubby patterns use the same yarn?

Nope! Each pattern will use a different scrubby yarn. Remember, you can always choose to use a different yarn than what is called for in the pattern. And keep in mind, that using a different yarn may affect gauge and use more or less yarn than called for in the pattern.

Do I have to purchase a bunch of different yarns?

Of course not! You can work from stash yarn, especially if your stash already has scrubby yarn, or a fiber that works well for cleaning, like cotton. But of course, I will let you know what yarns I recommend for each pattern (and in advance!) That way you can go yarn shopping!

Where will the KAL be hosted?

Everywhere! The patterns will be available every-other week on my blog. Plus, I’ll be hosting KAL groups on Instagram, Facebook, and Ravelry. If there’s somewhere else you hang out, let me know and I can see about getting a KAL group going there too!

Where can I find the scrubby patterns?

Right here on my website! Bookmark the page, as links to each of the patterns will be easily found at this link.

If you do decide to upgrade your Summer of Scrubby 2025 experience, you will receive a PDF version of the pattern either directly to your email or in your Ravelry library on the day the pattern is made available.

Do I have to knit all the scrubbies?

No! You can pick and choose which patterns you want to knit. Knit as many scrubbies from the patterns you like, and none of the ones you don’t like.

How long is the knit-a-long?

The Summer of Scrubbies 2025 KAL goes for 16 weeks from May 9th through August 22nd.

How much time will this take?

That’s totally up to you! Each scrubby can be knit in a few hours or less. But if you want to knit multiples, and depending on how much of a social knitter you are, it could take more time.

Can I really sell items made from these patterns?

Absolutely! I hope you will, and tell me how it goes. It’s always nice to enter holiday gift season with a plan to make some extra cash.

Summer of Scrubbies 2025 knit-a-long KAL 16 weeks eight patterns sign up for the kal knit scrubby patterns free

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