2023 save the dates! KALs, Challenges and Knitting Classes
Looking for some KALs, challenges and/or knitting classes in 2023? This year, I have a plan. And, as the year goes on and things get closer to time – I’m going to put important links in this blog post. So, you may want to favorite it and come back from time to time!
Calendar Content based on feedback and surveys aka, how I decided to offer KALs, challenges and knitting classes
If you’ve been on this knitting journey with me in 2022, then you have seen first hand just how fast I can pivot and change things. And some of those pivots were extremely beneficial! For me, I was able to meet my readers needs and find out more about what you are looking for. And for you, well, the feedback I got was really positive!
And more importantly, it tells me what you really want is KALs, Challenges and Knitting Classes!
Here’s what I know. I’m taking the parts that work well from 2022, and adding in some new elements for the coming year. If you are anything like me, I like to have a loose plan of what I want to do in the coming year. So, grab your calendars and pencil in whatever looks good to you, coming in 2023!
If you would like to download a PDF version of events – you can do so by clicking the button below. Otherwise continue reading for more information…
KALs (knit-a-longs), with challenges and knitting classes?
In 2023, I would like to host more KALs. Who doesn’t love a KAL? And I find it fun if a KAL can have a bit of a challenge to it and be a way of learning more knit skills – so I’m really combining it all together!
If you haven’t participated in one yet, you should give it a try! They are an excellent way to have fun while knitting and enjoying the comments, photos and support of other knitters, all while knitting from the same pattern. And my KALs always include tutorial videos as well. So it’s a great opportunity to learn new skills.
Some of my favorite things in a KAL is seeing how everyone’s yarn works out. I love seeing how people select their yarn colors and how that all works out. It’s just fun!
So, let’s do that – have more fun! Now, I’m not sure if I’ll be offering any kit sales in 2023. The jury is still out on that one. But if you are interested in a KAL kit, you know what you should do? Leave me a comment and let me know!
KAL #1: Warm Hearts Warm Hands – Feb 10-12

This KAL will feature a provisional cast-on, double knitting, and grafting. I will be knitting right along with you all and posting video tutorials as we make our way through the pattern. This pattern is good if you are holding your own hand or someone else’s.
If you haven’t double knit before, you should definitely join me. It’s really not as hard as it sounds and I promise we’ll be doing it the easy way. It’s going to be a lot of fun.
See this fabulous drawing? I didn’t make it. My amazing daughter did. Anyway, this is to give you an idea of the design. A little sneak peak. I’m working up the pattern RIGHT NOW!
I decided to use Knit Picks Wonderfluff. Have you used it before? It is so deliciously soft and lighter than air! if you haven’t used it before, I totally recommend picking up this yarn for the KAL. (not affiliated or sponsored)
KAL #2: My Favorite Things Summer Jun – Aug
Oh dear, am I scaring you off now? A 12-week KAL!?! Don’t worry!
It’s time. It is finally time. This is an idea that will happen again and again. It’s like an itch that I must scratch.
A choose your own adventure knit-a-long! It’s going to be great. You can knit as little as 6 of your choice and as many as 24. I know. I’m being vague. Six or 24 what? Well, you’ll have to wait and find out. It’s not even with the tech editor yet.
I love the choose your own adventure books. I want to choose my own adventure! So fun. Except none of the choices were things I’d pick. And I’d read all the different scenarios after my first pick ended. And sometimes I’d be so disappointed in the way something ended based on my choice. Ah memories from the 90’s…
KAL #3: U.S. Thanksgiving Weekend Nov 24-26
The only plan in place is to have a KAL. See, I had a pattern idea. But then people sent me emails and notes about cables. You all are super wanting to learn about cables. So, I’m turning over the thoughts in my noggin to see what I want to come up with for this one. I have some good cable ideas. And my other idea can always wait….
12-Days of Knit Gifts December 8 – 23
I know, that’s more than 12 days, but I gave us the weekends off as cushions. I’m hoping to create 12 knit in an evening type patterns to boost your knit gift stockpile. If you’re anything like me, 12 knit items to hand off to the nieces and nephews would be amazing. These may be my patterns, they may be other people’s patterns. I don’t know – let’s see where 2023 takes us.
I did my first-ever knitting challenge in 2022. It was impromptu. It was not planned (AT ALL). And it was wonderful! Since then, the challenge has been living in video format in my learning portal where people have signed up and taken the challenge on their own. But, I love it live. It’s so high energy and fun to get everyone motivated. So, we’re doing it live a couple times in 2023.
Beginner Knitter Finger Flex Challenge

The beginner knitter finger flex challenge is designed to get you feeling comfortable and confident with your knitting needles and yarn.
One thing I know, when I started learning how to knit holding all this stuff AND trying to make stitches felt impossible. I created this challenge to help you pump the brakes and enjoy getting to know these knitting essentials. I’ll be offering this twice in 2023 – look for it in May and October!
What do you think of this logo? Isn’t it awesome! My nephew-in-law is an amazing graphic designer. And he does some logos for me because he’s awesome and he gets what I’m all about personality wise. He made me this logo for the Challenge.
Looking for another challenge?
I’d love to do another challenge. What do you think? Comment below with your thoughts. I’d love to begin working up a challenge to help us boost our knit skills in 2023.
Knitting Workshops
There is so much to learn in the knitting world. Learning how to make stitches is just a small portion of the knowledge that surrounds knitting. Should we sit down and talk knitting in smaller groups? Let’s do it!
Your Knitty Gritty Roadmap to Learn to Knit

In 2022, I created a free workshop for beginners called “Your Knitty Gritty Roadmap to Learn to Knit”.
It started as a 1-hour workshop online. And now I’m expanding it to a 4 or 5 day workshop, I’m still calculating that.
I found that the information is too much to cram in people’s heads in just one day, let alone 1 hour. It’s good if we can let the information marinate in our brains and then add more learning. So we’re going to do this 4 or 5 day workshop in May and October.
Knitting Classes
Knitting Basic Training

This is the course I have for beginner knitters, never knit before, tried and failed, struggling beginners. Knitting Basic Training is the course for you. With six lessons that teach you how to cast-on, knit, bind-off, purl, add embellishments, increase and decrease. And all the skills you need to learn whatever skill you want next using my 4 steps to learn knitting.
You can go at your own pace, or each lesson was designed to be worked through in a week. I launched Knitting Basic Training twice in 2022, and I’d love to tell you that it’s perfect. But the truth is, it needs some work. It needs some finesse. I’m working to find the perfect balance of just enough hand holding, and enough space.
Anyway, if you have your eye on this course, you may want to mark your calendars now for May and October 2023 because that’s when this course will be available again.
Knitting Kickstarter

I got this idea in the late part of 2022, which is to break off a portion of my Knitting Basic Training course and offer it as a kick-starter. If you’re struggling to learn to knit, this may actually be a better choice for you. It just focuses on cast-on, knit, bind-off and purl. That’s it.
And really you can do a lot of knitting with just those skills. Those are the foundation knit skills. It is so good for you to solidify those skills in your brain and muscle memory before you move on to doing all the things.
Because truly, all the things are made up of knit and purl. So taking your time to master them is a very very excellent idea. Knitting Kickstarter will be available at the same time as Knitting Basic Training in May and October.
SURPRISE! New pattern release coming soon
I know, I’m sneaking this one in here. But I will be having a new pattern release in April 2023. It won’t be a part of a KAL. But I think I am going to have a new design party. I’ve never done a new design party before, but it seems like that should be a thing. A new design is a lot of work. I’m happy and excited to have it done and out in the world! Let’s PARTY!!!! Date TBD
Here’s a cool picture that I took of the yarn I’m using to design this pattern. It’s called Chloe by Yarn Bee. Apparently this is not a colorway you can get anymore.
So that should tell you how long it’s been in my stash. Should I tell you when I took this yarn preview photo? Try… early 2021? And then I began knitting and it’s been sitting in my hibernate bin. But the thing is – it’s a good design idea. It’s simple, and open which makes it good for the spring weather. And that’s why I’m bringing it out of hibernation and into pattern sample knit status.
Knit Bits, Blog updates and ongoing content
In addition to the KALs, challenges and knitting classes I’ll be doing in 2023, I would like to be more intentional and prepared with my content. A lot of 2022 was me just getting ideas and chasing shiny objects. I regret nothing. It got us here.
But, I’d like to have some consistency for your sake as well as mine. So here’s the new schedule for all the new OzzyLosi Knit Designs content in 2023.
Email Newsletters
Mondays will continue to focus on announcements, education and inspiration.
Wednesdays emails are all the WIPs in life. Whether it’s knitting, leisure, or whatever.
Fridays is for freebies. These are patterns that I’ve knit before or that I feel comfortable in recommending to you all. Or sometimes it’s free knitter resources that I’ve created to share with you.
Not a subscriber? You should be! Subscribe to my newsletter by clicking here.
Knit Bits
Knit Bits is the best shiny idea I think I had in 2022. Not even exaggerating. The first series of videos took us through how to read a knitting pattern. And, as I’m writing this blog post I’m currently doing a series titled All About Gauge.
The spur of the moment, here’s the subject and I talk format worked great for how to read a knit pattern. But it worked less great for knit gauge. And that lead me to changing things up a bit. I will still do Knit Bits. But to make sure that I am providing you with quality content, I need a bit more time.
So, I will only be doing Knit Bits LIVE on Facebook Wednesdays and Fridays. I will be editing the videos behind the scenes, and you can look for the edited replays on my YouTube channel on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Blog Posts
I have NEVER had a schedule for publishing blog posts. At the beginning of my blog, I was just too precious about every single thing. The result was not the best content with a lot of anxiety.
I’m so done with that.
In 2023, we are going to have a schedule and I have content that I’m excited to get out to you knitters. You can look for new Blog Posts on the first and third Mondays of the month. Which means, the next Blog Post will be on December 19th.
And that’s a wrap – or shawl….
Don’t forget if you want a PDF list of these events you can get that by clicking the button below.
Otherwise, be sure to check in. I’m on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube pretty frequently. I hope the KALs, challenges and knitting classes will fit your needs in 2023. Feel free to leave me a comment below to let me know about any other KALs, challenges and knitting classes you’d like for me to put on.

What’s Next?
If you are into making plans, like I am, then you should really check out my New Year Knit Intentions blog post. In the post, I will walk you through some knit reflections so you can focus on what it is that you love about knitting and make sure you do more of that in 2023. Click here to read it…
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