Welcome to My Knitting Blog!
Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!
I thought today would NEVER arrive!
If you are reading this, it is because I finally closed my eyes very tightly, said a prayer and hit “publish”!
Hooray for me! Thirty second dance party! Ya’ll!
Anyway, I’m Lois, the creator behind OzzyLosi Knit Designs! If you want to know more about me click here.
Otherwise continue reading to find out more about this blog thing I’m doing.
I am SO excited to finally be embarking on this whole blogging journey!
I am also nervous.
And a little bit scared.
Ok, a lot scared!
I am a total introvert with extrovert tendencies. It’s complicated, ok?
The thing about me as an introvert is I am a secret extrovert who LOVES online platforms because it allows me to be extroverty! (yes, that is a real word – grammar police!)
I have wanted to blog for many, many years now, but what would I blog about? I mean, what do I love?
Truth – So. Many. Things.
But what do I love so much that I can talk about it nonstop? Something I love that no one near me wants to listen or share with me the love and joy of this spectacular topic?
Enter Knitting.
Ah knitting! You rocked my world, baby – Yay!! (Austin Powers voice everyone)
Only knitters will understand this enthusiasm, love, and response.
Light bulb moment!
I can share my love of knitting with the internet and hopefully someone someday somewhere will find me and share my knitting love and enthusiasm and we can be friends!!!!!
(Full Disclosure: I DO have knitting buddies that I share with in person, but it is just not enough! Also, my family always tells me when I talk to them about knitting and yarn it helps them sleep, which is not as complimentary as they think)
So anyway, back to the story…
Around the time of the Light Bulb Moment, I had a wave of creative inspiration and began creating so many pattern sketches and designs. It was a bit overwhelming! But really good, you know?
That was in early December.
Now it is the beginning of May.
What took me so long?
Well let me sum up. First came the tidal wave of creativity. Then came the drowning phase. The overwhelm. The imposter/fraud syndrome. The “researching” phase. The dragging my feet phase. The whining phase. The I can do it phase. And here we are.
If you have ever embarked on a journey, especially a creative one, you may be familiar with the process. For me (not everyone) it looks like this:
By now, I am sure you are wondering, but what is this all about? Will you just ramble on and expect me to read this rubbish?
First: Ouch.
Second: A little.
Third: Here is what I am hoping to share and engage with you in a mutual love of all things knitting:
- Knitting!
- Patterns
- Tutorials
- Yarn
- Fibers
- Tools
- Books
- Life
If this all sounds like something you want to engage in and be a part of – then – subscribe today!
Do not miss a single blog post!
Wait, what do you mean you are not ready yet?
You need more information? You want more details?
OK, ok…
Well, if you subscribe to my newsletter, you will receive…
Oh, how often?
How about once or twice a month when I update my blog AND maybe more when I release a new pattern!
Wait, I didn’t mention new patterns? I am certain I did – are you skimming? That’s cool, I do it all the time too.
Yes, I am now designing knitting patterns!
What type of patterns?
So far: blankets, dishcloths/towels, hats, fingerless gloves, scarves, cowls, and hopefully more categories soon!
I currently send out weekly emails, monthly and when patterns are released – which may sound like a lot! But NEVER FEAR! Once you sign up for my newsletter I will send you a link to a survey so you can sign up to receive emails at your preferred frequency!
What are my patterns like?
I am SO glad you asked, because I do have a free pattern, no big deal, it’s just a dishcloth or towel. But If you want to see what to expect from my knitting patterns, you can check it out.
Then you will see what you are getting yourself into when you get an OzzyLosi Knit Designs Pattern!
“But Lois! We need more OzzyLosi – we just cannot get enough!”
Knitters, knitters, calm down!
You can find me on the daily over on Instagram @Ozzylosi
You can join my facebook page @OzzyLosiknitdesigns
You can friend me on ravelry @LoisSilva
And you can subscribe to my youtube channel @OzzyLosi Knit Designs
So, there you have it and here we are!
We are here to learn and knit and chat and share. I hope you will find some kindred spirits here.
Happy Knitting!

How to cast-on a knit project?
If you’ve ever felt frustrated about a knitting pattern not telling you how to cast on, or what method to use, you’re not alone. Come join me on the blog today!

Summer of Scrubbies 2025!
The Summer of Scrubbies 2025 is a 16-week, 8-scrubby knit pattern KAL. Be sure to join in the fun!

Scrub Yarn: Ultimate guide to selecting the best for your next scrubby yarn project
Fun scrubby yarns – they are so hard to resist! And now you don’t have to! The Ultimate Scrub Yarn Guide will help you choose the best scrubby yarn for your next knit project!

Lion Brand Stitch Soap Scrub Yarn: A Review
Lion Brand Stitch Soap Scrub is a very plastic-y type yarn. It appears to be plastic wire that is chained together, almost like a crochet chain.

Lily Sugar’n Cream Scrub Off Yarn: A Review
Sugar and Cream Scrub Off Yarn is a 100% cotton scrubby yarn! Hooray for natural fibers! This yarn is made up of two sections, one regular plied cotton yarn, and the scrubby part is cotton plies that have fringe.

Jubilee Spongy Dish Yarn: A Review
Jubilee Spongy Dish Yarn is a 100% nylon scrubby yarn. Similar to the Yarn Bee Scrubology – Scrub It! yarn, this one is made up of a foam like center that is encased in a mesh tube that has bits of sparkle in it.
Anything especial.