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Are You Ready? New Year! New Knits! New Knitters!

The new year always brings out a feeling of “New” in me! It’s a whole new year guys! Anything can happen! And not always good. Last year, for me personally, I’ll be honest, it was a rough year, knitters. If it was for you too, let me send you this virtual hug. We made it to 2022

But even through the heartaches of 2021, I am still SO excited for 2022

I have a lot of plans for 2022, some new patterns, some great new content, and lots of KNITTING!

As many of you know, I’m launching some content for new knitters, but I haven’t forgotten about all you seasoned knitters either! I’m planning to help guide us through the coming year with lots of self-care knitting. 

Self-Care for me means: Learning, growing, appreciation and love for myself, time to myself, meditation, surrounding myself (when I’m in the mood!) with things and people I love. 

So for 2022, those are the types of content you can be looking for from me!

Would you like a copy of this info graph? I made one in PDF format! Just click this link below and you can get a two page PDF print out to make your knit plans for 2022!

Get My FREE 2022 Knit Plan!

What about You, New Knitter?

New Knitter, I am so excited to have you join us on the blog! If you haven’t already, don’t forget to pick up your copy of the Beginner Knitter Checklists!

Very soon, I will be launching the “Learn to Knit Resource Kit”, which I will email you about as soon as it’s ready! 

And after that? I’m planning to launch the “Knitting Basic Training! Lessons, Patterns and Support to build basic knitting skills!” 

I am so thankful for each of you and hope that we will all have a fabulous 2022! Whatever your hopes and dreams are for this coming year, make sure that you are making time for YOU! 

Hugs & Happy Knitting,

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