Knit-a-long KAL knitter
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Holy Yarn Barf Repellent Batman! Knit-A-Long (KAL) Challenges and Fails

If you’ve stumbled upon this blog post, I think we may share something in common. We are overthinkers. What inspired this blog post is feeling like I failed at a Knit-A-Long (KAL). A Knit-a-long that I hosted. With my own pattern. And doing my own tutorial videos. 

And then, when I gave out prizes, one of the prize winners also felt like they shouldn’t have won. Because they hadn’t completed the KAL.

Life had gotten in the way for both of us.

It struck a chord with me. Because I know that feeling very well, as a knit-a-long participant. But as a knit-a-long host, my perspective is different.

Knit-a-long failure

So, if you’ve ever struggled with being a knit-a-long participant and faced challenges, setbacks and maybe event felt like you failed, this blog post is for you.

Knit-A-Long (KAL) Participant Challenges and Fails … 

I still remember my very first KAL…

I joined a Marly Bird Game Day Mystery KAL. I felt like a fairly good knitter at the time. I got all the supplies she recommended. I tuned in early and started knitting. The community was wonderful! I was learning new skills. 


I didn’t finish on time. I knit and knit and knit my poor little fingers off. But since I was learning new things. And I was a slow knitter, I just could NOT keep up. Feeling rushed, I did finally finish the knit, an ENTIRE WEEK LATER, and hated it. 

knit-a-long wonky hat

Honestly, I had missed some instructions and my FO came out wonky as heck. 

Even for this photo, I had my daughter like tilt her head weird. I did not make her close one eye. That’s all her.

But did I fail? 

No. Because the journey taught me new skills. I enjoyed myself in community with other knitters. And because I learned a valuable lesson about listening to instructions and following them carefully so your hat brim doesn’t look like you forgot to put it on properly! 

Another Knit-A-Long (KAL) and Determined to Try Again

I joined another KAL. This one was going to be 12 days long. It was Nomadic Knits 12 days of Knitmas. I technically have still not finished knitting this item. I mean. I’m done knitting it. But all the ends. They are not weaved in. 

Every year I tell myself. “I will weave in one end a week so I can wear it next winter!” And yeah. I’m not sure where it is at the moment… I also have not weaved in any ends that I can remember at this particular moment … 

And in this knit-a-long, I learned that all lace weight yarn is definitely not equal. And that sometimes you can get surprisingly good results using the wrong yarn. 

knit-a-long WIP

I also learned some new skills! Enjoyed watching others knit the same thing I was knitting. And that I absolutely hate weaving in ends and need to learn how to do it as I knit. 

So did I fail?


I planned to do the Knit-a-long …

I believe it was last year, but maybe the year before… 

Another Marly Bird Game Day KAL, and I got all the supplies she recommends. Honestly, buying the stuff is half the fun. 

Knit-a-long shopping is fun but no energy to do the knit-a-long

But then. I just didn’t do it. I had the stuff. There was no issue with my internet or getting access to the content. But life was busy and I just didn’t get to it. 

I felt guilty for a long time. The supplies sitting there looking at me like, “hey man, what happened? I thought we were committed to each other?” 

Sorry knitting supplies, It’s not you, it’s me.

But I learned another really important lesson. It’s ok to plan to do a knit-a-long and then not do it. The world did not end. Marly Bird is not mad at me or disappointed. I don’t think, I mean we don’t even know each other. lol.

And last I checked the world is still spinning. 

Knit-a-longs (KAL) with Varying Successes, Challenges, and Failures

I continued to join knit-a-longs. In between all these little stories and since then too. Additional knit-a-longs where I continued to grow and learn. 

Most of all for me, I think it’s the community of knitting the same thing with others, but in different colors, different yarns. It’s amazing to see how one item can turn out so differently based on yarn choices and color choices. 

knit-a-long knitting the same thing with different yarns - fun!

Learning new skills and encouraging other knitters. Being encouraged by other knitters. I love it!

These are all very important lessons that I learned as a KAL participant. 

But What About the Expectation of a Knit-A-Long Host?

As a new-ish designer, and the host of several Knit-A-Longs now, I have to tell you I have one hope. It’s not even an expectation. It’s a hope. 

I hope someone will join my knit-a-long

That’s basically it. I have hosted knit-a-longs with like 3 people in them. I loved it! The people were so comfortable being in a smaller group and sharing with each other. 

More recently, I hosted my largest knit-a-long to date. Over 170 people joined my knit-a-long group for the Any Way the Wind Blows Shawl KAL. I was truly blown away! 

so thankful for all knit-a-long participants

Most of the people were quiet. They didn’t post pictures or join in the chit chat. Maybe they liked some of the photos, but honestly, I have no idea if they knit or not? 

But I’m super thankful they joined my KAL. That they liked my pattern enough to click “join” on that Facebook group. 

And the ones who did post and share and chat, I’m so thankful for them too! The super stars who never struggled were immediately ahead of schedule and finished early.  

And for the ones who struggled and were honest about the challenges they were facing. I loved their willingness to continue knitting and make adaptations where necessary. Life got in the way. They faced physical and emotional giants, but they did not give up. 

I have so much gratitude for ALL the KAL participants!

And between us, Gurl, the stitch pattern for the Any Way the Wind Blows Shawl is lovely, but if I’m honest…. It’s a beast. Rows 1 and 2 in particular you feel like they will never end. They aren’t unmanageable, but it takes a considerable amount of time. 

What if you’re both a knit-A-Long host and participant?

Or maybe other designers don’t do that. I have no idea. But I love knitting with others. It’s so fun! 

And I typically knit alongside my knitters in the Knit-A-Long. It gives me the opportunity to make live tutorial videos and run into teachable moments. 

In my latest KAL, I started off strong! But then… life got in the way. 

And it’s ok. I still made the tutorial videos. Cheered on the other knitters. And gave away prizes! 

I wonder if this has been the greatest lesson I learned yet. Which is the Knit-a-long (KAL) may end, but the knitting doesn’t. 

Final Thoughts on Failures and Challenges for Knit-A-Long Hosts and Participants

So if the knit-a-long is ended, but you are still knitting, you didn’t fail. Keep knitting and sharing after the KAL. 

If life got in the way, and you didn’t finish or even start. That’s ok.  

Even if you just didn’t feel like it. 

That’s ok too. 

You do you, boo! 

But my advice….

Join the knit-a-long.

If you like the pattern or the idea of the pattern, join. 

Maybe you’ll never knit it (I’ve done that before!). 

Or maybe you will finish way after the KAL. (been there done that… hopefully if I ever weave in those ends…) 

And maybe you’ll be on target and finish in time if not early (done that too!!!)

Knit-a-long participant support each other and build community

Knit-a-longs are great for community and fun. Great for learning new skills and flexing those knitting muscles. And also, surprisingly, an opportunity to learn how to give yourself some grace and compassion! 

Until next time friends!

hugs & Happy Knitting
Any Way the Wind Blow Shawl Free Knitting Pattern

You can access the Any Way the Wind Blows Shawl pattern for free on my blog post by clicking the button below…

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